Friday, Dec 13, 2024

APC Waivers and Discounts Policy

IJMHSAR can offer APC waivers and discounts to authors who are unable to pay the article processing charges (APCs) for publishing their research in the journal. Here are some guidelines for developing a policy for APC waivers and discounts:

IJMHSAR can offer APC waivers and discounts to authors based on their financial need.
  • The policy should be transparent and clearly communicated to authors.
  • The policy should be applied consistently and fairly to all authors.
  • The policy should be reviewed and updated regularly to ensure it remains relevant and effective.
Based on the search results, IJMHSAR can consider the following options for APC waivers and discounts:
  • Springer Nature offers APC waivers to papers whose corresponding authors are based in countries classified by the World Bank as low-income economies as of July 2023. Papers whose corresponding authors are based in countries with lower-middle-income economies and with a 2022 gross domestic product (GDP) of less than 200 billion US dollars are eligible for a 50% discount.
  • Wiley offers APC waivers and discounts to corresponding authors based in low- and lower middle-income countries and locations. Wiley’s partnership with Research4Life enables research from authors from low- and middle-income countries/locations to be published open access by providing automatic waivers and discounts on Article Publication Charges (APCs) for authors accepted to publish in their fully open access journals.
  • Taylor & Francis offers 100% APC waiver to corresponding authors with primary affiliation in countries defined by the World Bank as low-income economies. A 50% discount on the normal APC is also available to authors from countries defined by the World Bank as lower-middle income economies, who have a 2021 gross domestic product (GDP) of less than 200 billion US dollars.

IJMHSAR can adopt a similar policy for APC waivers and discounts. The policy should be clearly communicated to authors and should be applied consistently and fairly to all authors. The policy should also be reviewed and updated regularly to ensure it remains relevant and effective.


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